The Coulomb interaction between the electron and the hole is treated accurately by the direct diagonalization of the Hamiltonian matrix. 通过哈密顿量矩阵的对角化,对电子和空穴间的库仑相互作用进行了精确处理。
Many-body theoretic calculation of the Coulomb hole in Neon Atom Ne原子库仑孔的多体理论计算
Using Mohr Coulomb criteria, the sand production model is founded. The calculating method of the critical fluid pressure of bottom hole is given. 根据Mohr-Coulomb准则,建立了相应的出砂预测模型,给出油井出砂时临界井底流压的计算方法。
After considered the effect of phonon, exciton binding energy still increases with pressure, but the enhancement is weakened, exciton phonon interaction screens the Coulomb interaction between electron and hole. 考虑声子作用后,激子结合能仍随压力的增大而增加,但增加的幅度明显减弱,激子&声子作用屏蔽了电子与空穴的库仑作用。
Calculation of energies of ground state for helium and helium-like ions using Coulomb hole method 应用库仑孔法计算氦及类氦离子的基态能量
In the calculation, we neglect the Coulomb scattering due to the strong degenerate condition of the hole gas in all cases. The temperature effect is introduced through the temperature dependence of the magnetization following the Brillouin function. 由于空穴始终处于强简并极限下,因此我们在计算中忽略了库仑散射,温度效应通过磁矩Brillouin函数引入。